Terms and Conditions | Miss Jacqui's Ballerinas
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Terms and Conditions

You must register prior to participating in your first class with Miss Jacqui's Ballerinas by creating an account and enrolling online. All information given on the form is private and confidential and will not be reused or disclosed. Your trial class is charged at the normal class rate and registration prior to this class is essential to ensure there is space in the class.


Miss Jacqui's classes operate on a termly basis and invoices are charged according to term periods only, no casual classes are available as class sizes are limited to ensure a quality experience within the class. If you enrol part way through the term then you will only be charged from that point on. If you miss a class or are unable to attend then you are encouraged to join us for a make-up class (by arrangement of Miss Jacqui), however, money will not be refunded for any classes missed and terms must be paid for in full.


Make-up classes must be completed in the same term as the class was missed and in the same class style, e.g. Little Ballet Class missed must be made up in another Little Ballet Class.


If term fees are overdue then a late payment fee of $10 will be added to the invoice to cover the necessary administration fees.


All photos taken by, or on behalf of, Miss Jacqui may be used for advertising and marketing purposes. All photos used will be anonymous and no names will be used. If you do not wish your child's photo to be used in this context then you must inform Miss Jacqui in writing.


Your child's health and well being is our main priority. When leaving your child in our care you give consent for your child's first aid trained teacher to give first aid and to seek urgent medical care if deemed necessary. If your child has any medical conditions then we must be notified before your child commences class and an action plan must be provided.


No food or drink items (except water) may be brought into class to maintain a safe and productive learning space.


The class prices can be found under the class descriptions and are subject to change.


Classes are due to change without notice or be cancelled if the class size is not large enough to go ahead. If this is the case then at least 1 weeks' notice will be given and alternative classes or a refund will be offered.


Classes will not be charged for or held on public holidays.



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