Frequently asked questions
If you can't find the answer to your question here then please contact us at or by sending a message on our contact page. We will get back to you within 2 working days!
How do I enrol for a trial class?
Check out our timetable here, choose the class you would like to attend and follow the links to enrol where you will be given the option to schedule a trial class. More information about trial classes can be found here.
How much is a class?
All the class prices can be found here.
What does my child need to wear to class?
At Miss Jacqui's Ballerinas we believe in allowing each child to confidently express themselves and this also applies to clothing. We have no uniform for our preschool classes and the uniform for our Dance School can be found under the class descriptions. You can order any dancewear including shoes, clothing and bags here and it will be conveniently delivered to you in class.
Can I attend classes casually?
We keep class sizes limited to ensure an intimate and high quality class experience for you and your child which is why we ask families to enrol for a term at a time and do not offer casual classes. This way you and your child will meet the same friendly faces at class each week and begin to develop bonds and friendships with those around you! Children thrive from routine and structure and we like to offer this each and every week in dance class. We do however offer make up classes so if you will be away or unwell then please contact Miss Jacqui to find out how to enrol in make up classes.
What happens if I enrol and miss a class?
We encourage all little dancers who miss a class to join us for a make up class. These are available at any point during the term in which the class was missed and we just ask that you check with us before coming along to ensure there is space in the class.
Can I join classes in the middle of the term?
Yes! You and your child are very welcome to join us at any point during the term. Please remember to enrol to make sure there is space available in your preferred class and so your teacher is expecting you.
What are your term dates?
You can find all the term dates for the year here.